As the seasons change…

I’ve done it! I’ve moved/upgraded! New blog…new topics (soon)…new followers (hopefully)!

Come along with me on this amazing and crazy journey!!! Thank you for all of the support so far, I can’t wait to see where we go next. You can now find me over at The Sequined Spatula!


Make sure that you update your bookmarks!

Weekend Recap

The weekend turned out to be busier than I had planned…that’s life~

Friday night we had hub’s HS homecoming game. He serves on the almuni board, so we went and had some good munchies. It made me wish that we were attending my ten year high school reunion in a week or so…JUST a little. Not enough to book a flight though.

My outfit looked exactly like this…even though it was 86 degrees out. I don’t care what the temp said, it’s Fall.

My sister called while we were setting everything up. She was sick and was wanting to come “home” for the weekend. I stopped on the way home to grab some Humdingers (go…it’s good) and she met us at the house. I gave her all types of meds and tea and we posted up on the couch for the rest of the evening.

Saturday morning was full of doctor visits, car appointments, runs and errands. We did pick up some pumpkins and mums for the front porch. I need to take a picture of that, good reminder.

Saturday afternoon hubs and I went to visit some dear friends and their baby boy to cheer on the Vols. No luck. Last time I saw JMF he looked like this:

Now he looks like this! So big and full of personality!

Seriously. That face. I die. If you know his momma, you’ve seen this face a time or 8 before.

Sunday was another run between rain storms and before the cold set in. I should have waited. The humidity was too high and Wilson just stopped running 3/4 of the way through and sat in the grass. Guess he was done with that. Our little german beast is more of a cool weather fan.

We had pumpkin pancakes for breakfast and chili for lunch! Summer is my favorite weather season, but fall is my favorite cooking season.

We are looking for “camps” for Wilson. Sunday afternoon we took him to visit his first one and check out the area/people/amenities. While the people were AMAZING, it wasn’t a good fit for us, so the hunt continues. Any recommendations???

Weekend Recap

We celebrated the Ortiz wedding over the weekend! I was honored to be about of their day. Get ready for a photo dump…

*All professional photos via Joe Hendricks. SUPER TALENTED & HILARIOUS PHOTOG!

Hubs and I had a blast…weddings are always such a wonderful reminder of what marriage should be like and to always place the Lord in the middle. I thank the Lord for putting such a wonderful man in my life every single day.


And we’re back…from VACAY!

After a MUCH needed vacay, we’re back kiddos. We had such a blast enjoying perfect weather with friends. Here’s a giant photo dump…

Some early morning run views:

photo 2

photo 3

A trip to St. Augustine with amazing food, friends and fun!

photo 6

photo 8

photo 9

photo 10

photo 7

photo 6

A little relaxation, some conch fritters…and boogie boarding!

photo 4

photo 5

photo 11

We also scored some awesome items for the house. I’ll show you those on Thursday, after the popular Wordless Wednesday tomorrow!

Weekend Recap

While we did stay in town this weekend, it was jam packed.

A couple long runs in some new neighborhoods…with Wilson meeting WAY too many off leash dogs (come on people).

Practicing some hair do’s for two weddings in the next three weekends.


Some daddy/doggy snuggles while cheering on the Vols. Really hoping hubs doesn’t kill me for this one. This is the cutest ever…


Buying/painting on a new fall color. Loved my navy, wasn’t ready for darks, settled on taupe. Essie San Tropez (not my nails)

TONS of errand running to come home to watching the biggest dog roll into the smallest ball. Entertains me every time.

Sunday was another run followed by cooking up some homemade goods for some darling friends new baby!

Three hours after stripping and scraping my church pew, and this is all I have to show for it. Things to note for round two…don’t strip in 90 degree weather, it bakes on the stripper & put the stripper on in a thicker layer. No one likes a skinny stripper (bah). I think the fumes got to me…I found those last few sentences WAYYYY too funny.

Saving the best for last…those baked goodies up there? They were for the parents of this perfect angel. We snuggled for a really long time and I could have just eaten him up! He’s a cuddler and perfect and so tiny. Every time a new baby is born, I forget how tiny they can be!!! Can’t wait to see him again…

Weekend Recap

Yeah, the weekend was SO long ago, but I wanted to get this in before the next ones comes prancing around tomorrow! Whoot!

Baby sister came to our house from college for the long weekend. That child sleeps more than any human I’ve ever met. I also noticed my maternal instincts with that child are beyond ridiculous. Do this! Don’t do that! Want me to cut up that peach for you? (it happened) Here’s breakfast reheated for you that I made 3 hours ago… (see sleeping issues above)

I love seeing her grow. Overnight she went from a huge brat high school kid to being a slight brat college young woman. She’s still the baby of the family. One that likes to remind me that I’m crossing an age milestone soon and that she’s only turning 20 this year.

I like to give her a super hard time (oldest…what what!) but I’m seriously so proud of what she has become, who she is and what she stands for. That mouth of hers has defended 1M+ people…

Some photos from last weekend…

rain, rain, go away…


napping puppy paws

so glamorous…getting up close and personal with some conditioner




Conference is over…weekend recap

Every year around this time, “conference” hits. It’s a week of working 5am-12am every day. Me walk/running at least 12 miles each day, only stopping to potty or stuff a bag of chips into my face. I know a ton of you have BEEN to a conference (cheers to that), but we HOST a conference (liquor IV to that). A 3600 attendee conference. So yeah, you can expect to see me missing for another week this time next year. Scratch that…next year it’s in July, but you get the point.

But it’s over, my team is closer than ever, and no one quit this year (yet…first day back in the office).

We shipped off to the lake as soon as humanly possible. I have a love/hate relationship with the Wilson County Fair. Love your funnel cakes and baby chicks, hate the way you tack on another hour to get to the lake. So honestly, we got to the lake about the same time as usual Friday night.

Here are the scenes from my week/weekend…all via insta…I was too tired to take any others.

Daily conference view…

A little late night entertainment…

Wake up hungover attendees…

Love those floppin’ ears in the wind!

Solo cove floating…just me, the water and God

Early morning bunny hunting…







Prayers, please

I’ll be back tomorrow, but I am asking for prayers today.

Our sweet little angel pup is at the vet after eating something he shouldn’t have. Please pray that it will pass quickly and without surgery.

Never a dull moment around here…


Weekend Recap: Photo dump

It’s really a week long recap, sorry. I’ll try to only show photos I didn’t show on IG.

It’s a giant photo dump, but I promise to show you deets/food/restaurant recs later this week. PROMISE!

Saying that the bach party was a success is a major understatement…







Then bestie and I hit the road to meet up with our hubs for some much needed relaxation!



Asking house/dog sitter for daily furbaby updates…





I think he missed us being gone…he snuggled like this for hours! Right tucked in my neck…on TOP of me.
