As the seasons change…

I’ve done it! I’ve moved/upgraded! New blog…new topics (soon)…new followers (hopefully)!

Come along with me on this amazing and crazy journey!!! Thank you for all of the support so far, I can’t wait to see where we go next. You can now find me over at The Sequined Spatula!


Make sure that you update your bookmarks!

Tuesday Tangents

Fall is officially here…let’s celebrate!


Dupe details (look for less)!


Spicy Shrimp & Tomato Pasta

  • 8 oz. fettuccine
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • ½ lb. peeled & deveined shrimp (41/50 size)
  • 1 (15. oz.) can diced tomatoes
  • ¼ tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • Freshly cracked pepper to taste
  • Handful fresh parsley
  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, add the pasta, and continue to boil for 7-10 minutes, or until tender. Drain the pasta in a colander.
  2. While the pasta is cooking, add the olive oil and butter to a large skillet and place over medium heat. Mince the garlic while waiting for the butter to melt.
  3. Rinse the shrimp with cool water and allow the excess water to drain away. Add the shrimp and minced garlic to the skillet. Saute the shrimp and garlic for 3-5 minutes, or just until the shrimp turns opaque and slightly pink (no longer grey and translucent). Remove the shrimp from the skillet and set it aside until later.
  4. Add the can of tomatoes with juices to the skillet, along with the crushed red pepper flakes, salt, and some freshly cracked pepper. Stir to combine and let the sauce simmer over medium heat for about five minutes.
  5. When the sauce has thickened slightly, add the cooked and drained pasta. Toss to coat in the sauce. Add the cooked shrimp back to the skillet and toss to combine with the pasta. Taste and adjust the salt if needed.
  6. Roughly chop a handful of parsley leaves and sprinkle over top before serving.


If you’re in or around Nashville, go visit the Southern Living Idea House. We’re headed there this weekend and I couldn’t be MORE EXCITED!!! This is my idea of a good time kiddos. Let’s hope the weather holds out…

Weekend Recap

The weekend turned out to be busier than I had planned…that’s life~

Friday night we had hub’s HS homecoming game. He serves on the almuni board, so we went and had some good munchies. It made me wish that we were attending my ten year high school reunion in a week or so…JUST a little. Not enough to book a flight though.

My outfit looked exactly like this…even though it was 86 degrees out. I don’t care what the temp said, it’s Fall.

My sister called while we were setting everything up. She was sick and was wanting to come “home” for the weekend. I stopped on the way home to grab some Humdingers (go…it’s good) and she met us at the house. I gave her all types of meds and tea and we posted up on the couch for the rest of the evening.

Saturday morning was full of doctor visits, car appointments, runs and errands. We did pick up some pumpkins and mums for the front porch. I need to take a picture of that, good reminder.

Saturday afternoon hubs and I went to visit some dear friends and their baby boy to cheer on the Vols. No luck. Last time I saw JMF he looked like this:

Now he looks like this! So big and full of personality!

Seriously. That face. I die. If you know his momma, you’ve seen this face a time or 8 before.

Sunday was another run between rain storms and before the cold set in. I should have waited. The humidity was too high and Wilson just stopped running 3/4 of the way through and sat in the grass. Guess he was done with that. Our little german beast is more of a cool weather fan.

We had pumpkin pancakes for breakfast and chili for lunch! Summer is my favorite weather season, but fall is my favorite cooking season.

We are looking for “camps” for Wilson. Sunday afternoon we took him to visit his first one and check out the area/people/amenities. While the people were AMAZING, it wasn’t a good fit for us, so the hunt continues. Any recommendations???


Leather is having another huge moment right now. I really regret getting rid of those leather (fake) leggings a few years ago. I’m no Kanye…real leather pants is a bad idea. That just has swamp butt written all over it.

Pops of leather here or there is more like it…and much more versatile. Especially when paired with very feminine fabrics like lace or chiffon!



Tuesday Tangents

Happy October!!!


I’m going to start showing looks I’ve found that I love, then where to find similar pieces…join me!

Dupe shirt: J.Crew (sale)

Dupe vest: L.L.Bean

Dupe jeans: AG Jeans (sale)


Ingredient List

6-8 Apples
1 T lemon juice
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c white sugar
3 T flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 pint whipping cream
1 T vanilla
Top & bottom crust


Peel and thinly slice apples and then toss in lemon juice.  Combine the sugars, flour, cinnamon, and salt.  Cover a 10 inch pie pan with crust and layer the apples and sugar mixture (mixture, apples, mixture, apples-for several layers) in the crust.  Mix vanilla and whipping cream; pour over apple layers.  Lattice the top or slit a flat crust.  Lightly sprinkle crust with cinnamon/sugar mixture.
Bake at 350 for 50-60 min.  Serves 8.


Take a walk to watch the leaves changing…it happens so fast! Such a blessing and miracle!

Weekend Recap

We celebrated the Ortiz wedding over the weekend! I was honored to be about of their day. Get ready for a photo dump…

*All professional photos via Joe Hendricks. SUPER TALENTED & HILARIOUS PHOTOG!

Hubs and I had a blast…weddings are always such a wonderful reminder of what marriage should be like and to always place the Lord in the middle. I thank the Lord for putting such a wonderful man in my life every single day.


Things I’m diggin on…

Happy Friday. We made it. It was touch and go there for a little.

This weekend we celebrate the wedding of a dear friend! Congrats team Ortiz. Cannot wait to celebrate.

I’m rocking some fall nails & lips this week, and loving every bit of it. Sorry summer, I’m cheating on you.

Fingers: Essie Sand Tropez

Toes: OPI Chick Flick Cherry

Sephora Brand Lipgloss in 22

How hilarious is this???



Things for the home!

As promised, I wanted to share some of the items we’ve purchased recently for our home. Hubs pointed out the first three (he’s amazing, I know) and the wreaths were a much needed final nail in the summer coffin. Sigh.

Things to add to our lonely, sad book shelves…

photo 12

photo 13

A rack to hang…place TBD. Most likely in the butler’s pantry.

photo 14

New fall wreaths for the front door via good ole Teej. I really wanted to DIY but my weekends are booked solid with wonderful weddings and such!

photo 16

Now I just need some pumpkins and mums for the arched steps! O, and my lazy wreath storing secret? Nails in the attic wall. Keeps them from getting smooshed.

And because everyone LOVES the dogbeard trend including me…

photo 15